Chupacabra myth not so ancient; started in 1995


The Chupacabra–the elusive goat-sucking beast for which canines with mange are all to frequently mistaken–may not even be plausible as an ancient myth. In Tracking the Chupacabra: The Vampire Beast in Fact, Fiction and Folklore killjoy scientist Benjamin Radford says it all just started in 1995 with one woman who saw a B-movie.

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25 lions rescued from Bolivian circuses in flight CO sanctuary

25 recovering circus lions are in flight right now from Bolivia to Denver. They’ll get to live in the most natural setting they’ve ever seen at The Wild Animal Sanctuary.

Keep reading 25 lions rescued from Bolivian circuses in flight CO sanctuary expanding to see (and help) other wildlife

See The Wild trip to India is expanding to show people how to go see and help animals around the world with

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Arizona confirms first live ocelot sighting since 1960

Arizona officially documents a live ocelot–the first time since 1960. Hundreds of miles from the tiny TX population, it probably wandered in from Sonora.

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Galapagos to drop rat poison; New Yorkers have tradition of fighting rats and dogs

Galapagos to drop rat poison; New Yorkers have tradition of fighting rats and dogs

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Wolf seminars in Midwest; crazy wolf hunting bills out west; good news for big cats

leopard with crazy big spots

A Republican congressman introduced a bill to allow MT and ID to manage their wolves (that is, hunt them to extinction). Meanwhile, WI and MI have wolf classes

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Colorado Sanctuary gets ready for biggest lion rescue ever

Bolivia freed its circus animals last year. 25 lions are heading to a sanctuary outside Denver, where people will be able to see them enjoying their new life from a boardwalk above.

Keep reading Colorado Sanctuary gets ready for biggest lion rescue ever

Charming hobo dog gets place at Best Friends, MO tries to repeal prop B

Dozens fed and tried to catch Rusty in Oak Brook, IL. After 3 year chase, he’s headed to UT’s Best Friends.

Keep reading Charming hobo dog gets place at Best Friends, MO tries to repeal prop B

Mexican ranch welcomes jaguars and animal tourists

Rancho El Aribabi, a conservation ranch about 30 miles into Mexico, is working with Sky Alliance to save local wildlife. They’ve caught pictures of rare and elusive jaguars. You can support them with a visit. Coatis possible.

Keep reading Mexican ranch welcomes jaguars and animal tourists

What Wikileaks says about wildlife --El Salvador

El Salvador: Deputy Chief of Mission Robert Blau thinks the environmental group is just a sham of the hard-line left opposition. Is it?

Keep reading What Wikileaks says about wildlife –El Salvador