Yellowstone Sanctuary, home to bears, cougar, Ted Turner's magpie, may close

Mountain lion peers out from lair.

MT’s only wildlife sanctuary may close because it’s not meeting federal regulations, but it won’t say which ones.

Keep reading Closing MT’s only wildlife rehab center, home to bear, lynx, Ted Turner’s magpie?


Newt Gingrich visits zoos instead of hunting on campaign

Instead of pretending to hunt quail or varmints, Newt is pushing his lifelong love of animals and zoos.

Keep reading Newt Gingrich visits zoos instead of hunting on campaign

Birders hoping (in vain) The Big Year will make them cool

Birders are overly eager for their starring role in The Big Year, the first big budget movie on bird watching. Even with Steve Martin, competitive birding can’t be cool.

Keep reading Birders hoping (in vain) The Big Year will make them cool

Putin’s new pet (project): an endangered snow leopard

Vladmir Putin has a new pet project, the endangered snow leopard. He got to meet one that was captured for study and showed injuries from poaching.

Keep reading Putin’s new pet (project): an endangered snow leopard

25 lions rescued from Bolivian circuses in flight CO sanctuary

25 recovering circus lions are in flight right now from Bolivia to Denver. They’ll get to live in the most natural setting they’ve ever seen at The Wild Animal Sanctuary.

Keep reading 25 lions rescued from Bolivian circuses in flight CO sanctuary

Tony Hale’s excellent needy dog impersonation

Tony Hale from Arrested Development does the most spot-on dog impersonation. I can hear my old dog Jolly saying just about every line. Even my new silly beagles, I’m sure, are thinking some of these thoughts–well, at least the part about the vacuum.

Keep reading Tony Hale’s excellent needy dog impersonation