Puffins near Portland

Puffins, one of the oddest, most charming and hardest to see birds to see in the United States, but it’s getting easier because their numbers on Eastern Egg Rock, a southern Maine island hit a record 148 pairs in 2014. Warming water temperature threatened the efforts of Project Puffin to bring the cartoonish seabird back to its lost colonies.

Keep reading Puffins near Portland


Cardinals finally let me see them raise babies in Brooklyn

Cardinal Nest

Cardinals feed babies fresh bugs in nest you could see if you knew where to look in Prospect Park.

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Nest Quest in Prospect Park: wood ducks, herons, swans, cardinals, swallows and, of course, robins nest in the park

Wood duck mother and duckling

Something is going on with nests in Prospect Park this season. They’re everywhere. You can’t walk 50 feet in the park bumping into some adorable tableau of chirping baby birds. Half the trees in the park seem to be brimming with exhibitionist robin families. The big unusual nests this year are green herons and wood ducks (which are living somewhere near dog beach–but where they nested, I don’t know.)








Green herons are nesting on the lullwater and near the less-fancy bridge by the boathouse.

Green heron on nest by the boathouse. Babies are tucked under her wing.

Green heron feeds her creepy-looking babies.








Swans in the park, as if in defiance of a potential plan to wipe them out, are multiplying. They have two nests, one helpfully placed on an island by the ice rink to make for easy viewing.

The father swan normally spends his days chasing off other waterfowl, but he came and sat on the eggs with his wife. Apparently he was alarmed by a mommy mallard and her ducklings nearby.

Baby Swans










I havent’ seen barn swallows build nests on the boathouse yet, just in the tunnels.

Barn swallow nest








These robins are so desperate for attention they build nests at eye level, sometimes

Keep reading Nest Quest in Prospect Park

Green heron co-op forms in Prospect Park

Several pairs of green herons are building nests or raising young in what’s becoming a heron co-op near the Lullwater in Prospect Park.

Keep reading Green heron co-op forming in Prospect Park

Green heron nest survived Googa Mooga

Heroic green heron parents endured days of hipster music and foodies when their eggs were about to hatch. Now two chicks are learning to eat regurgitated fish and walk on branches of Brooklyn’s Prospect Park.

Keep reading Green heron nest survived Googa Mooga

Turtles already hatching in Prospect Park

Red-eared slider hatchlings, nesting snapping turtles and sunning logs abound in Brooklyn’s Prospect Park.

Keep reading Prospect Park overfloweth with turtles

Seriously? Feds to shoot one of 58 endangered Mexican wolves left in wild

The new scorecard for the FWS recovery effort: 58 Mexican wolves in wild. Agents killed 13 on purpose, 18 by accident and let another 43 get killed illegally. Oh, and zero new wolves released since 2007.

Keep reading Seriously? Feds to shoot one of 58 endangered Mexican wolves left in wild

Adolescent owl trying to look tough after getting spooked by a robin--how embarassing

Brooklyn got its first two great horned owl babies in a century this spring. Maybe they stayed away because they were so scared of the songbirds.

Keep reading Adolescent owl trying to look tough after getting spooked by a robin–how embarassing

Prospect Park owls fledged; Hawk parent nabs a pigeon

The Prospect Park owls have learned to fly, but are still hanging around near their nest with their parents.

Keep reading Prospect Park owls fledged; Hawk parent nabs a pigeon

More of Brooklyn's secret owl family

Brooklyn great horned owls branching–hopping around their nest tree, thinking about taking their first flight.

Keep reading More of Brooklyn’s secret owl family