Prospect Park owls fledged; Hawk parent nabs a pigeon

The Prospect Park owls have learned to fly, but are still hanging around near their nest with their parents.

Keep reading Prospect Park owls fledged; Hawk parent nabs a pigeon


The hazards of being a hawk in New York City

Kestrel at a hole in a cornice

One hawk widowed to rat poison has to raise her eyasses alone in Riverside Park. A kestrel got so big laying eggs, she can’t fit into the cornice nest cavity.

Keep reading The hazards of being a hawk in New York City

East Village hawk Dominatrix favors fancy NYU building over Tompkins Square

The East Village hawk known as The Dominatrix isn’t building a nest in Tompkins Square Park after all, but she may be the one now showing off her egg-sitting abilities to the world via a New York Times web cam.

Keep reading East Village hawk Dominatrix favors fancy NYU building over Tompkins Square

East Village hawk Dominatrix tries to build home in Tompkins Square Park

The big and bold red-tailed hawk that has owns the Tompkins Square Park territory is building a nest on the center lawn. Or at least she’s trying to. Brave squirrels come and harass her constantly, even pulling out the twigs she brings in.

Keep reading East Village hawk Dominatrix tries to build home in Tompkins Square Park

How to keep hawks from devouring your bird feeder friends

The basic strategy–aside from being there to spook the hawk–is to make sure your little birds have an easy escape route.

Keep reading How to keep hawks from devouring your bird feeder friends

Squinty possum, Pink Meanie jellyfish, Manatees at heater and a tour of other animal news.

German loves Heidi, a cross-eyed North American possum. Gulf of Mexico has new species: pink meanie jellyfish. Parrot does math for seeds. Manatees huddle in fake warmth.

Keep reading Squinty possum, Pink Meanie jellyfish, Manatees at heater and a tour of other animal news.

Hawks Nest on Houston Street in NYC

The NYPD took the last of the three Houston Street baby hawks into custody last night. Now all three eyasses are in the custody of wildlife rehabber and fireman Bobby Horvath, who hopes to have them back in the area within a week.Documentary filmmaker Adam Welz did an amazing job chronicling the drama. The third hawk flew across the street ok, but ran into trouble flying back. It flew into the school building (where its nest sits on an air conditioner). The hawk tried to cling to the wall, failed, then fell to busy Houston Street.The hawk watchers swooped in, stopped traffic and picked up the hawk in a shirt. The commotion caused a car accident. The hawk people got the hawk to the yard of the project across the street and wanted to release it. Meanwhile, somebody called 911. The cops came, took the hawk into custody. The hawk guys argued the bird should be left alone. The cops took him up to the dreaded ACC, but Bobby sprung him.

Where to See Animals Around New York CityAccesible Places To See Hawks

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Hawks Hang on NYC Fire Escapes

Red-Tailed Hawks, ManhattanPale Male gets all the press, but there are now red-tailed hawks all over New York (and other cities) eating rats, pigeons and assorted small birds. According to the Parks Deptartment falconer, Pale Male, like all residents of Central Park West, is high achieving. It’s a prime spot over a big park. Other hawks around the city, he says, are not as competent. They have lousy territories and a tough time building a nest. There have been two hawks who show up every winter Tompkins Square Park. This year I haven’t seen them in the park, but I have seen one on the top fire escape of a building on the NE corner of 6th Street and 2nd Avenue. I’ve seen him at sunset and in the morning, but not everyday, so it’s probably a semi-regular roost.

Where to See Neat Animals in the Northeast

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