Puffin breeding falls as temperature rises

puffin with silver fish in its mouth

Puffins just won’t breed this year in parts of Iceland. Biologists say the population is always tied to temperatures, but this warming period is the worst.

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Horseshoe Crab eggs liberated

Horseshoe crab eggs with visible embryos released into the Hudson River.

Keep reading Horseshoe crab eggs with embryos released into the Hudson River

Horseshoe crabs drawn to gentle tides of Great South Bay

Delaware Bay is known as the epicenter of horseshoe crabs on the east coast, but biologists are just beginning to realize how popular the the south shore of Long Island

Keep reading Horseshoe crabs drawn to gentle tides of Great South Bay

Horseshoe crab embryos moving legs inside supposedly doomed eggs plucked off beach

Horseshoe crab eggs may not be as delicate as we thought. Many are growing despite being uncovered by tide and roughly cared for in a NYC apartment.

Keep reading Embryos moving in horseshoe crab eggs picked off beach

Go see horseshoe crabs mate tonight

The best night of the year to see horseshoe crabs mate on east coast beaches is the full moon in June. Check your local tide chart to find high tide is.

Keep reading Tonight’s the best night of the year to see horseshoe crabs

Did Hamptons beaches close for basking sharks' scary name?

shark with huge mouth

Suffolk County closed Long Island beaches because basking sharks were sighted. They’re big tourist draws in the UK–like manatees but with a scary name.

Keep reading Did Hamptons beaches close for basking sharks’ scary name?

Fire Island: horseshoe crab hotspot

Thousands of horseshoe crabs likely to crowd Fire Island beaches tonight, the new moon. One beach by the Pines had more than 2,000 Sunday.

Keep reading Fire Island: horseshoe crab hotspot

The endangered species deficit


About 850 species are waiting for endangered species protection, including 264 biologists say need it. At this rate we won’t help them all till at least 2044.

Keep reading The endangered species deficit

How to Celebrate World Turtle Day

If you have the chance, help turtles cross roads. Otherwise, avoid certain shrimp caught overseas (or maybe in LA) til shrimpers start really using turtle exclusion devices

Keep reading How to Celebrate World Turtle Day: Avoid Shrimp Caught Overseas (or maybe in LA)

See horseshoe crabs mate tonight and at full moon in June

The full moon, high tide is the best night this month to see masses of horseshoe crabs mate in Delaware Bay and all along the east coast. Also try the full moon in June.

Keep reading See horseshoe crabs mate tonight and at full moon in June