Falconry Scotland includes befriending owls

girl with harris hawk

Jeanne the barn owl loves people. She calls out for them. I was worried my daughter was being too friendly. But the falconer assured me Jeanne would only give an affectionate nibble.

Keep reading Want to befriend an owl? Go to Scotland


Dogs Can No Longer Walk into Famous Brooklyn Bar

dog walks up to a bar

One of New York City’s most famously dog-friendly bar, The Gate, in Park Slope says it will no longer allow them because it was busted under the city’s outdated health code.

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What are the best places in the world to see snakes?

Lonely Planet names 10 snake watching sites, with Manitoba on top. Great list, but misses some possibilities like the Everglades, South of the Border or Pentecostal churches.

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Goose from Greenland hangs out in Brooklyn

pretty barnacle goose among plain canadiennes. Aves > Anseriformes > Anatidae Branta leucopsis Barnacle Goose

A rare Barnacle goose from Greeland is trying to blend in with a flock of plain Canada geese in Brooklyn’s Prospect Park. As if he wasn’t on the wrong side of the Atlantic, much smaller and much fancier.

Keep reading Goose from Greenland hangs out in Brooklyn

Can outdoor education work in a New York City park?

Europeans have embraced outdoor classes for little kids to reconnect them to the natural world. West coast parents have swarmed outdoor pre-K where toddlers stomp through rain, snow and mud. Now a teacher is bringing the Forest School philosophy to Brooklyn’s big park. What will the kids find in the urban woods?

Keep reading Can outdoor education work in a New York City park?

Ricky Gervais helps stop breeding beagles for research

A big campaign blocked–for now–what would have been the UK’s biggest breeding farm for laboratory beagles. About 75,000 U.S. dogs are being tested on; the biggest US breeder, Charles River, has 736 dogs.

Keep reading Ricky Gervais helps stop breeding beagles for research

Rafts saving loons in Hidden Highlands

Black-throated diving birds (which look like loons, but are really rare in the UK) are being saved by rafts provided for their nests in remote Scottish Highlands.

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Miniature Daleks take on UK's gray squirrels

Chris Balcombe, a BBC props expert, enticed a gray squirrel to put on a Dr. Who dalek custume by putting some nuts inside it.

Keep reading Miniature Daleks take on UK’s gray squirrels

City birds love to live in mailboxes

With a lack of nest cavities, urban birds are turning to outdoor ashtray boxes, post boxes, poles, lights and air conditioners

Keep reading City birds love to live in mailboxes

Did Hamptons beaches close for basking sharks' scary name?

shark with huge mouth

Suffolk County closed Long Island beaches because basking sharks were sighted. They’re big tourist draws in the UK–like manatees but with a scary name.

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