Praying Mantis Clumsily Eats Bees in Brooklyn

Praying mantises aren’t rare or graceful, but a treat to see. How do bees not notice this lobster-like monster sitting on a flower? This mantis in Brooklyn’s Prospect Park lurked on a flower, then lunged on two bees and tore them to pieces.

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Thousands of nearly endangered sharks gathering and jumping off Palm Beach

Spinner sharks launch themselves out of the water while feeding on schools of small fish. See them jump and spin among surfers.

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Rarest rhino species may be saved by crowdfunded drones

Ol Pejeta Conservancy asks the public for $35k to buy a drone to protect what may be the world’s last four northern white rhinos from poachers.

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Tell the feds you want a Chicagoland NWR

Tell the FWS that Chicago and Milwaukee would like Hackmatack, a new wildlife refuge they could drive to. You might see whooping cranes, river otter, cougars, blandings turtles and all kinds of birds there. They take comments until April 27 and are set to decide this fall.

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Chicago so excited about bald eagle nest it cancels nearby shooting range plans

IL eagle flies on blue sky

Bald eagles chose the post-industrial wasteland of Chicago’s way South Side to build their first nest in the city in 130 years. The Chicago PD cancelled plans for a huge outdoor firing range nearby that environmentalists hated anyway.

Keep reading Chicago so excited about bald eagle nest it cancels nearby shooting range plans

Whooping cranes may make AL home after fluky weather and FAA rules dispute

13 endangered whooping cranes now call Wheeler NWR their winter home–maybe permanently–thanks to the quirks of weather, FAA rules and bird stubbornnes.

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Feds pay 232x what they charge in grazing fees for bison; Fugitive prairie dogs & more animal new

Church near Yellowstone charges taxpayers $313 per month for wild bison to graze. Mother Jones measures how much Obama sucks on wildlife. Escaped prairie dogs and wandering leatherback sea turtles.

Keep reading Church near Yellowstone charges taxpayers $313 per month for wild bison to graze. Mother Jones measures how much Obama sucks on wildlife.

Is all this panda puppetry really necessary? (Aside from producing adorable pictures)

Is all this panda puppetry really necessary? Chinese researchers now wear panda costumes to prevent imprinting, which is a real problem with birds. But meanwhile they’re selling access to the mushy cubs.

Keep reading Is all this panda puppetry really necessary? (Aside from producing adorable pictures)

Most Recent Missing Mexican Wolf Found–And He’s Not Dead

I don’t think it would be asking too much to offer a preliminary finding in the copious and tedious weekly and monthly reports the wolf reintroduction project puts out. Was there a gaping bullet hole? A tire tread?  We’re not talking CSI Wolf here.

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Half as Many Mexican Wolves in NY Suburb as in Wild


Two wolves from the center were released, then shot within months. The whole program has effectively been on hold for almost five years. Just last week the Fish and Wildlife Service announced it wouldn’t release any wolves this year — without any real explanation. while federal and state wildlife debate what to do. (The states involved, Arizona and New Mexico, seem to also be locked in a battle over who can be more inhospitable to wolves.) So far the program has released 92 wolves into the wild on the Arizona-New Mexico border. But since 2006, they’ve only released one–despite continued illegal hunting of the wolves. Since 1998, there have been 75 documented wolf deaths. People who presumably don’t like the federal intrusion of wolves introduced to cattle country shot 32 endangered Mexican gray wolves. Twelve were hit by cars. Only 10 were confirmed natural causes; the rest are under investigation.

Keep reading Half as Many Mexican Wolves in NY Suburb as in Wild