Chicago so excited about bald eagle nest it cancels nearby shooting range plans

IL eagle flies on blue sky

Bald eagles chose the post-industrial wasteland of Chicago’s way South Side to build their first nest in the city in 130 years. The Chicago PD cancelled plans for a huge outdoor firing range nearby that environmentalists hated anyway.

Keep reading Chicago so excited about bald eagle nest it cancels nearby shooting range plans


Top 10 Animal Webcams of 2011

Just a couple years after the Shiba Inu cam sensation, wild animals are fascinating millions of viewers with reality TV, family tragedies and triumphs.

Keep reading Top 10 Animal Webcams of 2011

Baby eagle cam goes viral

eagle feeds chick

Eagles nesting by an Iowa fish hatchery have become online stars. More than 100,000 people watch the pair feed their chicks and hope for another egg to hatch.

Keep reading Baby eagle cam goes viral

Bald Eagle in Mating Crash May Get to Go Outside

Alaska bird rescuer Cindy Palmatier won’t know for a month if the eagle that plunged into the snow while clutching her mate will ever fly again. Cindy Palmatier, director of avian care at the Bird Treatment and Learning Center in Anchorage, says the eagle did get bandages off one wing and may get to go outside Wednesday or Thursday.

The eagle pair became national news after they locked talons in their courtship dance on Easter morning and didn’t let go in time. Normally they swing each other around, then break free. This time, at least one of them miscalculated and they crashed into the snow in Valdez. The male died on impact. Bob Benda, a biology professor, was on of the first on the scene and thought the female was dead, too, then noticed she was breathing.

Benda kept the bird overnight in a crate and again thought she died, the Valdez Star reports. In the morning he was happy to see her alive and got her flown to Anchorage.

I had wondered if the eagle might be pregnant, but Palmatier doesn’t think so. The aerial spiral is normally a prelude to mating, she says. “I’ve never had an eagle lay an egg,” she says. “If animals are stress they tend to just reabsorb the pregnancy,” she said. And they treat 800 birds a year, 50 of which are eagles, she’s had plenty of chances to see egg laying if it weren’t so unlikely with these distressed

Keep reading Bald Eagle in Mating Crash May Get to Go Outside

20 States Host Bald Eagle Festivals; Six This Weekend. Is There A Bald Eagle Near You?

See the full 2010 Eagle Calendar

In January and February rivers freeze and bald eagles have to come down from Canada to visit us. To capitalize on the event, Audubon clubs and parks around the country hold Bald Eagle Days or Festivals to give people a chance to see our national bird in places they haven’t been seen in generations. Within a couple hours of New York, Boston, Chicago and Dallas, you can see eagles.

Twenty states have bald eagle festivals, although two have cancelled this year because of the recession. The Upper Skagit Eagle Festival in WA and the CT Eagle Festival won’t be held this year. The eagles still show up, you just don’t get the luxury treatment, which usually entails scopes and hot chocolate. CT Audubon even still has $40 boat tours.

Current Eagle Festivals: AL, AK, AR, CO, ID, IL, IN, IA, KY, MD, NJ, NY, OK, PA, TN, TX, UT and WI

We’ve got six bald eagle events this weekend. We don’t just have a national bald eagle day because they show up at different times around the country. The peak for eagle days is the first weekend in February, with 11 states having eagle-watching events.

See the 2010 Calendar of Eagle EventsWhere to See Eagles Yearound

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