Stop using hunters as an excuse for assault weapons

Hunting is dying off. Only 5% of Americans hunt and the number is set to plummet as Baby Boomers retire. Stop using hunting as an excuse for giving anyone a military weapon.

Keep reading It’s time for hunters to stop being human shields for the NRA


Bats get cold and fall onto ground in Autumn; they need a warm-up treat

If you find a still bat on the ground, don’t pick it up with your hands. It may still be alive, just in torpor from the cold weather. It may need to be warmed up, fed and placed on a tree.

Keep reading Bats get cold and fall onto ground in Autumn; they need a warm-up treat

Most dog (and kid) friendly beach in New England? Plymouth

Plymouth, MA, lets you bring your dog on a summer day–which sets it apart from most of New England which has taken to banning dogs during some hours, all summer or just forever.

Keep reading Most dog (and kid) friendly beach in New England? Plymouth

Bill Gates’ Mosquito Chart Too Harsh on Wolves, Sharks, Hippos; Too Easy on Humans

Bill Gates’ popular chart on World’s Deadliest Animals tries to visualize shows mosquitoes as the most despicable creature on earth. But it makes hippos, wolves and sharks look worse than they are and lets off humans (the true villains) way too easy.

Keep reading Bill Gates’ Mosquito Chart Too Harsh on Wolves, Sharks, Hippos; Too Easy on Humans

Atlanta's Duck Pond cracking down on geese

One of the last places it was safe for families to feed ducks falls for the frenzy to eliminate Canada geese.

Keep reading Atlanta’s Duck Pond cracking down on Geese

Dolphin dies in Gowanus Canal despite Brooklynites cheering it on

Crowds wondered why the dolphin, who wandered into an industrial superfund site, was left to die, thrashing in shallow water.

Keep reading Dolphin dies in Gowanus Canal despite Brooklynites cheering it on

Reader question: what's up with this squirrel's raggedy fur?

squirrel with white patchy fur

This VA squirrel has white, gray and rusty fur at all different lengths and angles. Can you figure out what’s wrong?

Keep reading Reader question: what’s up with this squirrel’s raggedy fur?

Gifts of the Crow: brain scan proof these birds are devious, silly and smart

Biologists use brain scans (and entertaining experiments and anecdotes) to show that crows, ravens and other corvids think like people.

Keep reading Gifts of the Crow: brain scan proof these birds are devious, silly and smart

Natives and non-natives mix it up at Green-Wood Cemetery

an egret walks into a bar

Great egrets hunt Japanese koi at Green-Wood Cemetery, where a South American monk parrot may have gotten sick from a raccoon.

Keep reading Natives and non-natives mix it up at Green-Wood Cemetery

Can outdoor education work in a New York City park?

Europeans have embraced outdoor classes for little kids to reconnect them to the natural world. West coast parents have swarmed outdoor pre-K where toddlers stomp through rain, snow and mud. Now a teacher is bringing the Forest School philosophy to Brooklyn’s big park. What will the kids find in the urban woods?

Keep reading Can outdoor education work in a New York City park?