Parks Service to Kill Many or Most of Fire Island Deer, Targeting Friendly Ones

deer eating corn

The National Parks Service gears up for long-dreaded killing of Fire Island deer, targeting friendly ones and messing with the species natural evolution in a world dominated by humans.

Keep reading Fire Island Deer Lovers Worried as Parks Service Kill Off Marches Forward


Parks Service Wants to Hunt Fire Island Deer Again

deer eating corn

Watch out Fire Island deer! The Parks Service wants you out of the way of their holly plants. And tourists, if you like seeing deer, too bad. The parks service wants to cut down on “negative human-deer interactions,” which it seems to define as anything that isn’t hunting.

Keep reading Parks Service Wants to Hunt Fire Island Deer Again

Bill Gates’ Mosquito Chart Too Harsh on Wolves, Sharks, Hippos; Too Easy on Humans

Bill Gates’ popular chart on World’s Deadliest Animals tries to visualize shows mosquitoes as the most despicable creature on earth. But it makes hippos, wolves and sharks look worse than they are and lets off humans (the true villains) way too easy.

Keep reading Bill Gates’ Mosquito Chart Too Harsh on Wolves, Sharks, Hippos; Too Easy on Humans

What 60 Minutes' Love Letter to TX Canned Hunts Got Wrong

Thousands of virtually extinct scimitar-horned oryx survive on TX hunting ranches. But only 110 TX oryx are in the species survival plan that spans 211 institutions worldwide. The species doesn’t need Texas hunters.

Keep reading What 60 Minutes’ Love Letter to TX Canned Hunts Got Wrong

Auto Draft

The 71 million Americans who like watching wildlife far outnumber and outspend hunters, but don’t get much a say in wildlife policy.

Keep reading Wildlife Watchers: We are the 31% (Hunters are only 5%)

DE Water Gap: great for deer and turkey, unfriendly to dogs

We’ve been heading out to the Poconos and Delaware Water Gap part of PA recently with our two beagles, Moxie and Huckleberrry. The animal tourism has been great, but oddly this underused mountain region just 2 hours from New York City has thrown up a lot of inexplicable barriers to families with dogs.

The wildlife watching here is fun, though the species are all pretty common. We rented a house in one of Bushkill’s many windy road developments and saw plenty of deer families–includge many pairs of twin fawns, wild turkey, songbirds, squirrels, crows and geese. On a path through the National Recreation Area, we also saw a turtle, blue birds, hawks and tiny broken egg that perhaps came from a hummingbird.

But! We had a really hard time getting to enjoy the National Recreation area because so many of its main attractions are totally off limits to dogs and their people.

The National Parks Service lists all the places dogs can’t go here: the 2 beaches (Smithfield Beach and Milford Beach); the three big waterfalls (Raymondskill, Dingmans or Hackers) or half the visitors centers. Even parts of the 40-mile McDade Trail are off limits to dogs.

Hunters are banned from roughly the same areas. Of course, Moxie and Huck aren’t packing, so I don’t really see what risk the pose.

If you happen to be traveling with a dog, to get to see a waterfall in the Delaware Water Gap Falls you’ll have to go to the private, but much friendlier Bushkill

Keep reading DE Water Gap: great for deer and turkey, unfriendly to dogs

How my brother saved a newborn fawn

tiny spotted baby deer

Neighbors wanted to shelter a fawn in a garage. My brother convinced them to let the tiny baby deer sleep outside (while he guarded from nearby tent) till its mom returned. It worked. During a 4 am feeding, the doe showed up and walked off with her offspring.

Keep reading How my brother saved a newborn fawn

Another reactionary move by the WI Gov: put politics in wildlife

Deer in Eagle River, Wisconsin

WI gov vetoes law that would put wildlife in scientific, not political, control. Look out for more more whitetailed deer.

Keep reading Watch out for WI deer overpopulation–thanks to reactionary gov

Tensleep: saved for the plants, but the elk like it, too

The Nature Conservancy bought the Girl Scouts’ biggest camp to research plants, but plenty of elk, deer, pronghorn, weasels and birds have moved in. Mountain lion and spotted bat are here, but tough to see.

Keep reading Tensleep: saved for the plants, but the elk like it, too

MT train kills 270 pronghorn antelope; 800 die on roads & tracks in rough winter

Blocked by snow and cattle fences, about 800 pronghorn antelope have been killed by trains and cars in Montana this year. One train killed 270.

Keep reading MT train kills 270 pronghorn antelope; 800 die on roads & tracks in rough winter