In Defense of Flying with an Emotional Support Animal

two beagles and an adorable child get ready to board a plane. playing in device to see if they fit in carry-on space.

Getting your dog certified as an emotional support animal seems to be the way of the future. Eventually someone will come up with a way to let airlines just charge us for a regular seat for our dogs. But for now this is the uneasy truce between dog people and the airlines. Over Christmas I flew roundtrip from New York to Chicago in a way that goes against everything airlines stand for today: I paid no extra fees and had no unnecessary paperwork despite the fact that my daughter and I flew with two beagles at our feet as Emotional Support Animals. The planes didn’t crash. The beagles didn’t unpredictably go wild. They didn’t even steal any cookies.

Keep reading How to Fly with Emotional Support Dogs


Most dog (and kid) friendly beach in New England? Plymouth

Plymouth, MA, lets you bring your dog on a summer day–which sets it apart from most of New England which has taken to banning dogs during some hours, all summer or just forever.

Keep reading Most dog (and kid) friendly beach in New England? Plymouth

Beagles Run for Rolling Pumpkins in Prospect Park

Our beagle Huckleberry has invented the sport of chasing pumpkins down a hill in Brooklyn’s Prospect Park. His reward is he gets to eat the pumpkin, which he’s able to break into after several rolls.

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Many Ubiquitous TV Jingles Make Dogs Sing, But Why?

Dogs sing to the most ubiquitous songs on TV. Do they hate the Empire Carpet jingle as much as we do? Or do they like the familiarity of another Law and Order?

Keep reading Many Ubiquitous TV Jingles Make Dogs Sing, But Why?

How to play the peanut butter tree game with your hounds

Beagles will climb a tree if you smear it with peanut butter.

Keep reading How to play the peanut butter tree game with your hounds

Beagles howl to shofar on Bastille Day in Prospect Park

30 or so beagles partied for Bastille Day in Prospect Park. We blew a shofar to set off the baying and activate their inner beagle.

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Beagles compete for singing dog prize on Bastille Day in Prospect Park

Beagle in a beret

Dozens of beagles are meeting up Prospect Park on July 14 for a singing contest and Bastille Day coffee and bagels. Beagles love all hounds, so if you think your mutt might be part beagle, you’re officially invited. Free biscuits till 9 am.

Keep reading Beagles to sing in Prospect Park on Bastille Day

How to find a dog-sitter online, sorting through the DogVacay, and Yelp options

A ton of new websites promise to find you a local dog sitter. and its ilk end up inundating you with a depressing number of emails. DogVacay lets you find local dog lovers who open their homes. But I found a dog sitter I love on Yelp.

Keep reading How to find a dog-sitter online, sorting through the DogVacay, and Yelp options

Beagletown in the Berkshires

Clover Hill Farm’s main work is horses, but it moonlights as an inn and a beagle paradise.

Keep reading Beagletown in the Berkshires

Ricky Gervais helps stop breeding beagles for research

A big campaign blocked–for now–what would have been the UK’s biggest breeding farm for laboratory beagles. About 75,000 U.S. dogs are being tested on; the biggest US breeder, Charles River, has 736 dogs.

Keep reading Ricky Gervais helps stop breeding beagles for research