Dogs Can No Longer Walk into Famous Brooklyn Bar

dog walks up to a bar

One of New York City’s most famously dog-friendly bar, The Gate, in Park Slope says it will no longer allow them because it was busted under the city’s outdated health code.

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700 Helmet hummingbird feeders floating around North America

Can you not stand sitting feet away from amusing hummingbirds as they steal sweet nectar from your feeder? Inventor Doyle Doss solved the age-old problem by devising a red face shield that serves the sugar water from a tube between your eyes. Since 2008 he says he’s sold about 700 of these. So while people may be freaked out to see one, hummingbirds may actually begin to recognize what they are and come right over.

Doss has some serious, boring inventions and then a side-line in goofy stuff like the face feeder, which he came up with after a hummingbird hovered in front of his red bird.  “A hummingbird came out of nowhere and just hung there, two inches from my nose,” he says. “My immediate response was, I froze. I never forgot the experience. It was such a magical type of thing.”

Decades later, Doss took a professional welding face shield and covered it in a red pattern that hummers love. Then he put a rubber tube between the eyes to be filled with sugar water. The birds came. This isn’t the first attempt at a hummingbird helmet. This adorable video shows a little girl watching hummingbirds in the more popular variety–and initially flinching and scaring them away.

The face shield serves to draw hummers in (they love red) and to make humans confident they won’t get their eyes poked out. Hummingbirds are so agile, they’re not going to go bumbling into your face.

Doss says the tube was the hardest part to figure

Keep reading 700 Helmet hummingbird feeders floating around North America

My least favorite squirrel: California Ground Squirrel

California ground squirrel

California ground squirrels are all over California. You can see their little den holes in the dusty chapparel. Wikipedia says they are “common and easily observed ground squirrel of the western United States.” Easily observed, my ass.

Keep reading My least favorite squirrel: California Ground Squirrel

Tips: how to find migrating monarch butterflies

Monarch butterflies are migrating down south right about now. Check pines and milkweed after a rain. Check Journey North for an interactive spotting map for roosts.

Keep reading Tips: how to find migrating monarch butterflies

Top 10 Animal Webcams of 2011

Just a couple years after the Shiba Inu cam sensation, wild animals are fascinating millions of viewers with reality TV, family tragedies and triumphs.

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Eagle Watching Festivals for 2011

From New York to California, families are heading out to watch bald eagles at festivals. Winter forces the raptors to hunt over unfrozen water.

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Idiotic exotic pets in the news: attacking chimp, drugdealer serval, wandering monitor lizard & turtles

News today is full of the bad consequences of idiotic exotic pets, from the face-eating chimp to 10 soft-shelled warm weather turtles dumped in NJ. A drug dealer’s serval find a home at a CT museum. Monitor lizard stalks LA.

Keep reading Idiotic exotic pets in the news: attacking chimp, drugdealer serval, wandering monitor lizard & turtles

Bolsa Chica: on the Wetlands – Wasteland Border

Great blue heron

For a seemingly desolate wasteland that is backed by oil fields, a couple busy roads and suburban sprawl, the Bolsa Chica Wetland has surprisingly a lot of wildlife.

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Freakiest Shark Exhibit Ever At Santa Monica Aquarium

Santa Monica Aquarium showcases local fish, but it’s not boring. They have a freaky exhibit of live shark embryos in egg casings. Bonus: eel, starfish & urchin

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Hummingbirds at Tucker Wildlife Sanctuary

Tucker Wildlife Sanctuary near Irvine is where hummingbird feeders were invented. The tiny birds still come 70 years later.

Keep reading Hummingbirds at Tucker Wildlife Sanctuary