Hummingbirds arrive a month--sometimes two--early this year; some never left

In the last week hummingbirds flew into IL, NY, PA, OH, MD and even Ontario, way ahead of schedule. Freakishly, many fragile hummingbirds spent all winter up north.

Keep reading Hummingbirds arrive a month–sometimes two–early this year; some never left


How to find the snowy owl near you

Snowy owl stands on Wisconsin brush,

The white, Harry Potter owls are having a boom year, sighted in Boston, Chicago, Philly, Denver and Long Island. Look on eBird to see where.

Keep reading How to find the snowy owl near you

Ambitious squirrel plays in baseball playoffs. Twice.

Squirrel runs onto baseball diamond during playoffs in St. Louis for the second time this week. I think he’s an adolescent male–typically obnoxious in any species–drawn in by peanuts.

Keep reading Ambitious squirrel plays in baseball playoffs. Twice.

DE Water Gap: great for deer and turkey, unfriendly to dogs

We’ve been heading out to the Poconos and Delaware Water Gap part of PA recently with our two beagles, Moxie and Huckleberrry. The animal tourism has been great, but oddly this underused mountain region just 2 hours from New York City has thrown up a lot of inexplicable barriers to families with dogs.

The wildlife watching here is fun, though the species are all pretty common. We rented a house in one of Bushkill’s many windy road developments and saw plenty of deer families–includge many pairs of twin fawns, wild turkey, songbirds, squirrels, crows and geese. On a path through the National Recreation Area, we also saw a turtle, blue birds, hawks and tiny broken egg that perhaps came from a hummingbird.

But! We had a really hard time getting to enjoy the National Recreation area because so many of its main attractions are totally off limits to dogs and their people.

The National Parks Service lists all the places dogs can’t go here: the 2 beaches (Smithfield Beach and Milford Beach); the three big waterfalls (Raymondskill, Dingmans or Hackers) or half the visitors centers. Even parts of the 40-mile McDade Trail are off limits to dogs.

Hunters are banned from roughly the same areas. Of course, Moxie and Huck aren’t packing, so I don’t really see what risk the pose.

If you happen to be traveling with a dog, to get to see a waterfall in the Delaware Water Gap Falls you’ll have to go to the private, but much friendlier Bushkill

Keep reading DE Water Gap: great for deer and turkey, unfriendly to dogs

Travelling with dogs: Metro North

Metro North, the commuter train that runs north of New York City, is pleasantly dog-friendly. Cab drivers taking you to and from the station, not so much.

Keep reading Metro North loves dogs; train station cabbies don’t

Budget compromises wolves, other politics shafts orcas, PA porcupines

Did Obama cave on political riders in the budget compromise? Idaho Rep. Mike Simpson de-listed wolves in Idaho and Montana in a closed-door deal. NOAA almost protects orcas in Puget Sound. PA to declare open season on porcupines.

Keep reading Budget compromises wolves, other politics shafts orcas, PA porcupines

Elk return to Missouri after 150 years

Missouri becoming the seventh state in the east to reintroduce elk. Kentucky, which now has 11,000, is giving them 50.

Keep reading Elk return to Missouri after 150 years

Wild Mexican wolf count up to 50; GA to cut hunting lands

50 Mexican wolves survive in NM and AZ, up from 42 last year, despite an effort by ranchers to sue and shoot them off public lands.

Keep reading Wild Mexican wolf count up to 50; GA to cut hunting lands

Eagle Watching Festivals for 2011

From New York to California, families are heading out to watch bald eagles at festivals. Winter forces the raptors to hunt over unfrozen water.

Keep reading Eagle Watching Festivals for 2011

Delmarva squirrel needs land; flying squirrel needs pines;

Delmarva squirrels need land; PA squirrels need pine and a tour of other animal news

Keep reading Delmarva squirrel needs land; flying squirrel needs pines;